UK | USA | EU | BUST | Waist | Hips | |
XS | 8 | 4 | 34 | 31/32 | 23/24 | 33/34 |
S | 10 | 6 | 36 | 33/34 | 25/26 | 35/36 |
M | 12 | 8 | 38 | 35/36 | 27/28 | 37/38 |
L | 12 | 8 | 38 | 35/36 | 27/28 | 37/38 |
XL | 10 | 6 | 36 | 33/34 | 25/26 | 35/36 |
Powerful Hardware for Super Fast Operating Speed
The STM32F405 MCU, which features powerful computing capacity & super operating speed,
combined with the high-sensitivity ICM20602 6-axis motion sensor supports 32KHz PID controller &
gyro. The built-in OSD chip allows users to adjust or set OSD parameters via the
Betaflight/Cleanflight/Butterflight/invaflight software or transmitter easily. The internal TF-card
expansion slot allows users to insert a SD card to record more flight data
tem name: F4 G2 Flight Controller
FC Programming: Supported
Programming via: Betaflight/Cleanflight-configurator or Others
Compatible with (Modes): PWM, Oneshot125, Oneshot42, Multishot, Dshot150, Dshot300, Dshot600, DShot1200, Proshot1000 and etc.
Compatible with (Transmitters): PPM, Spektrum, SBUS, SUMD, SUMH, XBUS, IBUS, JETIEXBUS, CRSF, SRXL, and etc.
OSD: Built-in
Voltage Monitoring: Supported
Current Monitoring: Supported
External Buzzer: Supported
LED Control: Supported
USB Port: MicroUSB
Size: 36*36mm
Weight: 6g