In technical terms modelling places demands on the model pilot which are constantly becoming more exacting: we all use increasingly sensitive technology, and we need to obtain comprehensive information about our model aircraft if we hope to obtain optimum performance from them.
Now, after many years of experience in industrial data transfer applications based on radio links, Webra has developed an information system which passes data from the flying model to its pilot by radio, without affecting any other system. The RDS4 Telemetry System is easy to operate and control, and provides useful support to the model pilot or his assistant in a straightforward, logical way.
The Webra RDS4 Telemetry System is capable of constantly transmitting the following data to the pilot while the model is flying
Measurement range 100 - 99.000 U/min
Measuring accuracy 30 U/mni
Dimensions 101 x 60 x 23 mm
Weight 100g
Operating voltage 9-V (dry battery)
The data is recorded in digital form, and can be read directly from the screen of the "BASE STATION" handset. An audible signalling device can also be activated (e.g. if a set temperature limit is exceeded). The system comprises a BASE STATION (= receiver), which receives and displays the data, and a SATELLITE (= transmitter), which is installed in the model and records and transmits the data. Several SATELLITES can be used in conjunction with a single BASE STATION. The SATELLITE is powered by the receiver battery. The sensors which pick up the data are connected to the SATELLITE.
Operating voltage 3.5 - 10V
Current drain 50mA at 4.8V
Dimensions 55 x 27 x 14 mm
Weight 17g
Frequency 433 MHz