Incluye tygon y tubo negro
The smoke pump comes with just two wires:
- Futaba connector for signal – Connect to your receiver or powerbox to the output that you will be using to control the on/off position as well as the flow.
- XT60 connector for power – Connect a 2S lipo to the power input (voltage input 6.8v-13.0v)
We do not recommend joining both sets of positive and negative wires in order to pull power directly from the receiver or powerbox!
- Connect the pump nipples to the smoke tank and exhaust tubes, taking especial notice of the direction of flow, indicated on the pump with an engraved arrow.
All setup is done via the radio, using a single channel:
- -100% to -30% radio signal, the pump is ON with an intermittent smoke flow. The higher the % the more fuel flow.
- -30% to +30% radio signal (channel center) the pump is OFF
- +30% to +100% radio signal, the pump is ON with a continuous smoke flow. The higher the % the more fuel flow
You can also use the LED on the smoke pump to read out its current situation:
- Solid red: Power is on, voltage is incorrect (below 6.8v or above 13.0v)
- Flashing red: Overcurrent, please check that the pump is not blocked or jammed
- Fixed blue: Lost radio signal
- Flashing blue: Pump running, in intermittent flow mode
- Fixed green: Power is on, voltage is correct (between 6.8v and 13.0v)
- Flashing green: Pump running, in continuous flow mode
* Campos requeridos